Jodi Burnett

Jodi Burnett

Jodi Burnett writes Suspense Thrillers with a K9 focus. She enjoys the company of other writers and is a member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, Sister’s in Crime, and NINC–all wonderful organizations that seek to educate and encourage writers in all stages of their careers.

K9 Mysteries

K9 Mystery Author

This blog post is written by Jan S Gephardt. The original is found on her website: jansgephardt.comI am honored to be one of the K9 Mystery Authors she included in her blog.I hope you enjoy it!  K9 Mysteries “K9 Mysteries”…

Human Trafficking: From Naiveté to Horrible Awareness

Things I Didn’t Want to Know. Human Trafficking Definition: The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by improper means (such as force, abduction, fraud, or coercion) for an improper purpose including forced labor or sexual exploitation. I’ve always known about…